Jute Wrapped Monogram

Next was the N.  That was the easiest one of the 3.  Start on the bottom left "leg".  Once you get to the point were the diagonal leg meets the left leg then you wrap the intersection.  Do not forget that you have already glued down your short pieces of jute on the tops and bottoms.  

Next, start on the upper right "leg" and continue wrapping down and up the diagonal "leg".  Really easy.  You only need to do two sections of jute total.  

Finished with embellishments.

Last was the W.  Start on the top left "leg".

Continue wrapping down around the width of the W.

Continue wrapping down the bottom left "leg".

After that you will wrap the upper and lower "legs" of the right side separately.  Last, the middle point need to be left.  This will be wrapped like the right "legs" of the K.  You will cut strips and wrap them just barely around the back and glue them individually.  

Once you have them wrapped in the jute then you will want to embellish them.  We wanted to do rosettes out of felt.  They are really, really simple to make.  You will take your template (find one here) and draw around the template with a pencil.  Next, you will cut them out.  Then spiral them until they form a rosette.  You can make them tight or loose.  However, you like them to be.  

Then you can embellish the centers with a pearl.  

We decided to use grey polka dot ribbon for the monograms to be hung with.  I liked the idea of a bow on the ribbon.  So I tied a bow and made sure to hot glue it in place.  If you do not do that then as soon as you try to hang the monogram the bow will come undone.  Then I glued the ends to the back of the monograms.  
Then you done.  Yay!  I loved them.  What do you think?

See how more tips

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