When you are a mommy you do not get a lot of time to yourself. I am a strong believer in exercise. I know it helps you have more energy and you will feel better if you take that time and help your body stay/get fit. It is important when you are a mommy to either do exercises that involve the kids or do it during their bed and nap time...while doing a million other things during this precious quiet time.
I have been pinning a bunch of easier/quicker exercise routines on Pinterest and decided to give them a try. I also talked to my dad about it since he is a doctor and also a huge supporter of staying fit. Side note: He is also an Ironman. There is my plug for my amazing dad! I didn't want to waste my time doing something that first, wouldn't work and second, was not using my time wisely. After talking to him and having others try the exercises at different levels of ability I think you will enjoy the routine and find that you are feeling more energized soon. I have broken it down into 3 levels of ability: Beginner, Intermediate, and (more) Advanced. I was at the (more) advanced level and I am not an extremely fit person, but I have been regularly exercising for years. When I did these exercises it was tough, but was not terrible. I was sore, but after 2 days I was fine. It also got easier and easier. That is how it should be with you. If you do not know where to start then start at beginner level and see how you feel after a week. If you do not feel anything then move up to intermediate. If you were pretty sore during all the days of the first week then stay at beginner until it gets easier.
Twice a week work your legs (never back to back days):
15 seconds of high knees
10 squats with alternating kick
15 seconds of butt kicks
4 clock lunges (right, forward, left, back is one rep)
15 seconds jumping jacks
10 squat jumps
10 lunge pulses (right)
10 lunge pulses (left)
10 Heismans
10 plie squats
16 ski jumps
5 tuck jumps
Twice a week work your arms (never back to back days):
5 push ups
24 bicep burners (8 full bicep curls, 8 halfway, end with 8 full) with 2 lbs
15 shoulder presses with 2 lbs
5 push ups
8 tricep dips
15 back rows with 2 lbs
15 lateral raises with 2 lbs
5 push ups
15 tricep kickbacks with 20 tricep pulse backs with 2 lbs
Also take 3 walks for 15 min each. You can do this with your kids (either pushing them in the stroller or if they want to ride bikes next to you then great). Try and go as fast as you and your kids can go, but do not run. Just walk.
You can do the leg or arm routine on the same day as you walk or you can spread them out so you are only doing one or the other.
Twice a week work your legs (never back to back days):
20 seconds of high knees
15 squats with alternating kick
20 seconds of butt kicks
6 clock lunges (right, forward, left, back is one rep)
20 seconds jumping jacks
15 squat jumps
15 lunge pulses (right)
15 lunge pulses (left)
15 Heismans
15 plie squats
25 ski jumps
8 tuck jumps
Twice a week work your arms (never back to back days):
8 push ups
24 bicep burners (8 full bicep curls, 8 halfway, end with 8 full) with 5 lbs
15 shoulder presses with 5 lbs
8 push ups
12 tricep dips
15 back rows with 5 lbs
15 lateral raises with 5 lbs
8 push ups
15 tricep kickbacks with 20 tricep pulse backs with 5 lbs
Also take 3 walks for 30 min each. This can be done with your kids (either pushing them in the stroller or if they want to ride bikes next to you then great). Try and go as fast as you and your kids can go, but do not run. Just walk.
You can do the leg or arm routine on the same day as you walk or you can spread them out so you are only doing one or the other.
Advanced (sort of):
Twice a week work your legs (never back to back days):
30 seconds of high knees
20 squats with alternating kick
30 seconds of butt kicks
8 clock lunges (right, forward, left, back is one rep)
30 seconds jumping jacks
20 squat jumps
20 lunge pulses (right)
20 lunge pulses (left)
20 Heismans
20 plie squats
30 ski jumps
10 tuck jumps
Twice a week work your arms (never back to back days):
10 push ups
24 bicep burners (8 full bicep curls, 8 halfway, end with 8 full) with 5 lb (or more) weights
15 shoulder presses with 5 lb (or more) weights
10 push ups
15 tricep dips
15 back rows with 5 lb (or more) weights
15 lateral raises with 5 lb (or more) weights
10 push ups
15 tricep kickbacks with 20 tricep pulse backs with 5 lb (or more) weights
Then take 3 walks for 45 min each. This can be done with your kids (either pushing them in the stroller or if they want to ride bikes next to you then great). Try and go as fast as you and your kids can go, but do not run. Just walk.
You can do the leg or arm routine on the same day as you walk or you can spread them out so you are only doing one or the other.
I hope this helps you stay active, but is not overwhelming. I have a full time job along with many other responsibilities other than being a mom. Therefore I completely understand what it feels like to have NO time. I hope this is a possible solution for you! Happy exercising!

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