I get bored if I do the same exercises over and over. I have to switch it up at least monthly. If not sooner. If you remember I wrote this blog post last month. Well after a month of doing that I got sick of those exercises and decided to try out another pin that I had pinned on my "Healthy Body" board. The pin I used as inspiration can be found here. I made modifications to it and this is what I ended up doing.
I did this routine 3 days a week.
30 jumping jacks
5 pushups
25 high knees
7 burpees
7 squats
10 pushups
7 squats
30 jumping jacks
1 minute wall sit
5 push ups
25 high knees
(Repeat 3 times)
I would time myself everyday to see how long I was exercising. I did this because physicians say that in order to fight fatigue you need to get 150 minutes of exercise a week at a minimum. Therefore if this routine took me about 15 minutes 3 days a week then I would need to walk 105 minutes sometime that week as well. This worked well for me. Again I walked with my daughter and we had bonding time and I got to get some exercise time in.
Now if you are a beginner I would recommend you only do this routine once through instead of 3 times. Then if you are feeling like that is getting easier then do it twice. Continue to add until you get to 5 times through. I did not get there after a month of doing it. I will get there though. Just shoot for 150 minutes of activity a week though and you will notice a difference.

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