Dec 9, 2014

Holiday Home Tour: A Happy, yet simple Christmas

Before I start into my home tour I have to give a background story, because that makes every home tour better right?  When Kendra from Joy in Our Home asked me to be a part of her Holiday Home Tour my first emotion was excitement!  So I said yes!  I have been looking through home tours since blogging became a thing.  Ok.  I am not sure if it was that long ago, but I would say about 6 years ago I started looking at home tours and loving them.  I would picture myself in the amazing houses that I saw there.  I loved it. 

Enter the next feeling, "MY house is NOT good enough to be on any holiday home tour."  I felt borderline depressed.  I looked at my very humble house and then top that off with the MASSIVE renovation we are undertaking and I thought there is NO way I should be a part of this tour.  I even thought of backing out.  I am telling you this not because I want a pity party.  (Although if you want to have a party I would love to!)  

I am telling you this because everyone goes through a time when they feel inadequate or "less than". I want you to know that bloggers feel that way too.  It is a normal emotion.  Then I thought of the reason I started this blog.  (If you are new here then go read about why I started the blog in the About Me section.)  The whole reason to start this blog was to help inspire woman to stop trying to be perfect in every aspect of life.  Just LIVE the happiest life you can in a simple way.  

Now that I have written a novel...Welcome to my home.  It is a place full of memories, even with us living here a short year and a half.  It is the happiest place on earth because it is filled with the people that I love the very most.  It is simple, but I love it that way.  I have a young family and simple is better with little ones running around.   

I usually make my wreaths, but my amazing friend Ashley bought his for me years ago and it looked perfect against the white door.  Side note: the door went in right before it turned cold so we haven't had a chance to paint it.  I am up for suggestions if you want to leave any. 

As soon as you enter my house you will see this and...

this.  In the above picture I have a crate book case.  Each of the different shelves has something different in them, but I highlighted my favorite.  

This block nativity goes well in these crates because it almost looks like a stable.  My daughter LOVES to play with these.  

I started the Christmas advent calendar at Pinners Conference where I attended a class presented by the amazing Kami from Sweet Charli and Staci from The Potters Place.
I love the excitement that Christmas advent calendars bring.  We have a few of them going on at our house, but this is one of my favorite.  

Reindeer idea came from the talented Natalie from The Creative Mom.   I actually bought left overs from a class she did at Pinners Conference that I wasn't able to go to.  I missed out on the fun, but not the amazing project! 
My favorite item in the house right now is this Rudolf pallet wood art that I finished a few weeks ago.  Isn't he wonderful?! 

Another class that I attended of Kami's from Sweet Charli inspired me to make this.  I tell you...I know some talented people who don't mess around. 
This decoration stays up year round because it isn't too Christmas-y.  A few years ago my "word of the year" was believe.  I wanted a reminder of it always.  I love it even more come Christmas time.  

This piece is the first thing up every year and the last thing down.  I might keep it up year round.  I love it!  This sits on my piano because I don't have a mantle.  My piano top has become my pretend mantle. 

I also love the very simple garland that is hanging.  It is made from bakers twine and ornament die-cuts.  I just punched tiny holes through the die-cuts and strung them on.  Simple, but adds another layer.  

Do you see the "book" sitting on the table?  It is made of past year's Christmas cards.  I put them into books so we can look through them as the years go by and compare what everyone looked like years ago.  I hate throwing them away, but what do you do with them?  This is a great solution for us.  

Like I said earlier, we do not have a fireplace.  Last year, very last minute I threw this together.  It is a great solution, but it really bothers me.  The letters slowly get smaller.  I laugh at myself every time I see it.  I'm not a good free hand artist can you tell?  I am getting the Cricut Explore for Christmas (I know lame...I already know my present).  This will be refinished before it goes back up another year.  It just might be my first project with my new "toy". 

Our tree is not themed.  There is no rhyme or reason.  Other than the ornaments all have memories tied to them (except for a few fillers).  Again, I one day want an amazing tree that is color coordinated, but every time I look at these ornaments I cherish what them mean.  Like the one below is my husband's baby ornament and the one below that is one of many words, names, or characteristics of Christ ornaments that I made last year. 

Some of my favorite decor pieces are the presents under the tree.  I love wrapping presents.  I love them under the tree for as long as possible.  I love how they make the tree feel complete.  

Next step with me into my hallway and you will see this very simple felt Christmas tree.  This is Hannelore's special tree that she can decorate anyway she wants.  She loves it.  She even passes out the presents for her daddy and me to open.  

Next up is the kitchen.  We spend a lot of time here and I love it.  It is small, but we love each other so that is ok.  

Adorable felt tree made by a friend of mine for a Christmas party that I was over the decoratiosn for. I had some amazing help.  Can you tell?! 

This large chalkboard hangs in my kitchen and I like to switch out the sayings.  I knew I wanted the saying to be centered around Christ's birth.  I was looking for ideas when I came across this wall decal.  I wish I could somehow get it to write itself by looking at the vinyl.  I did it.  It isn't perfect like this amazing woman's product, but I am happy with it.  If you want a stunning wall decal go buy this. (I am not getting paid by her.  I just love it.)  Obviously, because it was my inspiration.  

I don't want to leave off my pantry door.  Even my pantry door gets some love.  Yes I made this and yes it took A LONG time.  However, it makes me happy so it was worth it. 

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the lights at night.  I am not a colored lights person, but colored lights are so much more fun for kids and my husband loves it too.  So that's what we have and you know what?  I love it! I hope you enjoyed my home.  Happy Holidays!

Holiday Home Tour hosted by 18 Homes/5 days

A Holiday Home Tour at Come join us as 18 fabulous bloggers open their homes to you this Christmas!   
- Monday -

A Holiday Home Tour at Come join us as 18 fabulous bloggers open their homes to you this Christmas!  
  - Tuesday -

A Holiday Home Tour at Come join us as 18 fabulous bloggers open their homes to you this Christmas!  
- Wednesday -

A Holiday Home Tour at Come join us as 18 fabulous bloggers open their homes to you this Christmas!    
- Thursday -

A Holiday Home Tour at Come join us as 18 fabulous bloggers open their homes to you this Christmas!   
- Friday -

 I have linked up with The Party BunchYour Turn to ShineThrifty Thursday Link PartyHandmade Hangout PartyFlaunt it FridayFrugal Friday, Inspiration Gallery Link PartyThe Link Party PaloozaFrugal Friday!

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Karen @ karensuponthehill said...

Shambray, I am getting an early morning look at your Holiday Home Tour and I love how everything in your house is so meaningful to you! So many lovely touches but I really love the ornament garland and your dinner plates! Thanks for sharing!
Happy Holidays

Unknown said...

Hey Shambray…your home is adorable! I love your pallet deer head art and the advent calendar - you are talented! It's a pleasure and honor sharing our tours today :)

Amy | Canary Street Crafts said...

Love your tour, Shambray! Your home is so cozy and inviting. Oh, and I'm totally stealing that big chalkboard right off your wall! I love it!

Lindi said...

Thanks for sharing your home! As a newer blogger - I feel exactly the same about sharing my home this year! Your home is beautiful and has so many personal touches :)
Lindi @ Love Create Celebrate

Michelle @ The Painted Hinge said...

Love it! Especially your table setting- it just all comes together so well! Great job!

Christine at Little Brags said...

Hi Shambray, your intro was so flippin cute!!! Love it and YES we all feel like that!!! And none of us would be sharing anything on our blogs if we didn't step out of our comfort zone. I loved you tour, the crate wall is super great!!! My home was part on Mondays Tour! I will follow you along now! Christine from Little Brags

Andrea @ Life Love Larson said...

LOVE the felt tree and the wreath on your pantry door! Festive and cozy home!

Kendra | said...

Shambray, your home is so beautiful! I am so, so thankful you didn't back out of this home tour... because I could totally "steal" your intro because that is my story too! And that's why I started this tour.... because we treasure our homes and are thankful to share them with the people we love! I love so many things about your tour... that folded paper wreath, your amazing chalkboard writing skills, your living room gallery wall, those skates on the steps and more! Thanks SO much for sharing it with us!! I'm so glad you did :)
Kendra @

Lauren @ Bless'er House said...

Shambray, your intro took the words right out of my mouth. I think all bloggers start playing the comparison game and end up feeling in adequate. But ya know what? Comparison is the thief of joy. And I can tell that your home is full of joy. There are so many elements that have so much sentimentality and that truly makes up a lovely home. By the way, I am loving your chalkboard hand lettering. It's amazing!

Carrie said...

Your home is def. worthy for a holiday tour! Love it! That wreath you made for your pantry door is beautiful and I am wondering how you made it. I also LOVE your chalkboard sign. I am in the Christmas Home Tour, too, Wednesdays group!

Unknown said...

Oh Shambray, your home is so lovely!! And I can TOTALLY RELATE!! I felt the exact same way. I see SO many gorgeous home tours and honestly, felt like ours just wasn't good enough. I was actually embarrassed to share. BUT you are so right, it's about living a simple and happy life, and that is what our home is for the holidays...and everyday! I love that nativity set!!! We don't have one yet and I've been eyeing that one like crazy lately. I love all the personal touches to your tour. I have a little one running around too, and simple is better! :) So happy to be doing this tour with you and getting to know more about you!

Nicole Brzuchalski said...

Your home is beautiful! I love your nativity set and really like the way you hung the stockings!!! Perfect if you don't have a mantel!!!! Love the simplicity of all of your decor. Perfect!! :)

Unknown said...

Your home looks lovely, Shambray - you should be so proud of the beautiful holiday home you've created for your family! I love your front porch, and your pallet deer art is so cute! Happy holidays to you and yours!

Melanie {Making it in the Mitten} said...

Shambray, your home looks like a wonderful place to spend the holidays! The rudolph pallet art and the snowflakes are my favorite. Happy to be a part of this tour with you :)

Shambray said...

Thank you for your kind words! The ornament garland was so simple and the plates were so much fun to paint!

Shambray said...

Thank you for the kind words! The pallet Rudolph is my favorite!

Shambray said...

I might have to chase you if you take the board. hahaha. It is one of my favorites.

Shambray said...

Thank you so much! I loved your home as well.

Shambray said...

Thank you so much! The table setting is a fun spot in my home!

Shambray said...

You are beyond nice! Thank you! I love the crate wall. It was a fun thing I did a couple years ago.

Shambray said...

Thank you! They are both new decorations this year so I am loving them too!

Shambray said...

You are too kind! Thank you so much for all your kind words. You made my day! I am so glad I did this with you guys!

Shambray said...

You are so amazing. Your home is beyond amazing. Just remember that. Thank you for the kind words!

Shambray said...

The wreath was actually very simple, but time consuming. I folded strips of paper in either a loop circle and stapled or a loop that had a flat end on one end and stapled. I put the flat ended ones on the outside edge so I could make sure to cover the whole wreath form. Oh and the wreath form is cardboard. So it is flat as well. Let me know if that doesn't make sense and I can send you pictures.

Shambray said...

Oh man. I cannot say enough great things about that nativity set. I love it so very much.

Shambray said...

Thank you! The stocking holder is a great alternative for not having a mantle.

Shambray said...

Oh you made my day! Thank you. That means so much to me.

Shambray said...

The snowflakes were new this year as well. I love switching up decor!

Unknown said...

I am stopping in from the Frugal Friday Link Up. I LOVE LOVE the wreath on your pantry door. Do you have a tutorial on how to make it?

Rustic Maple Elizabeth said...

It is August 2015 and I just found my way to your lovely tour. Your home is beautifully decorated for Christmas. My favourite part is your Nativity. I have wanted that exact one for years.

Shambray said...

Wow. I just saw that I never responded to this! I am so sorry. I don't have a tutorial because it was part of a kit that I bought. I will have to see if I can make a tutorial real fast though!

Shambray said...

The nativity is my favorite part too. Thank you so much for the compliment!

Anna Smith said...

I really like this format. Thanks with love


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