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Here is the quote I will be focusing on for the month of July. I love this quote and I felt like it was perfect to focus on this month because I started this blog one year ago and this quote explains the way I feel. I had never thought of blogging until last year. The thought seriously never crossed my mind. Then one day in May the thought came to me.
So I started reading books about blogging. I started reading a lot of blogs. I also started falling in love with blogs and bloggers. I loved how they could express themselves and how they could create their own space on the web. I loved to see the different personalities and learn so many things.
That is when I decided to take the plunge. I was a little scared because when you put things on the internet you open up the possibilities for criticism and negative comments. I did not want that and I also did not want to fail.
However, I wanted to inspire others. I wanted to share my talents with others and help others see the potential in themselves. I knew that blogging was the way for me to do that.
So I started coming up with blog post ideas and started talking to people about being contributors. The more I worked at it the more energy I had. I would also come up with ideas I had never thought of and get really excited to post about them.
This quote is a perfect way to describe what I feel when I work on my blog. I love it. It might be a lot of work, but I love the work while doing it. There have been a few negative comments, but in general people are amazing and wonderful. They inspire me while I inspire them. I have been able to connect with people in ways I never would have without starting this blog. I love it!
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