Mar 7, 2017

Quotes about Peace and Love

Quotes about Peace and Love
This world that we live in can be scary.  It can be full of hatred instead of love.  It can be overwhelming.  It can be full of wanting instant gratification.  I have to deal with things being thrown at me everyday that can really cause me to question a lot of things.  

Then I think about my poor girls and the world they are growing up in and how it could be very confusing.  I can almost understand why my girls through tantrums, because honestly sometimes I want to throw one too.  

This month the value we are focusing on is peace and my word of the year is love.  I started looking for quotes to put up around my house, quotes about peace and love.  I have mentioned this before, but my basis for choosing values each month comes from the book, Teaching Your Children Values.  (This link is an affiliate link which means that if you purchase something after clicking on this link I will be paid a very small commission.  However, my love for this book started way before this post was written.) 
Quotes about Peace and Love chalkboard art and printable

I love all the quotes I found, but I narrowed it down to my favorite two.  I have one of them in a picture frame and other other is in my kitchen on my chalkboard.  I have turned the one in the picture frame into a printable for all of you to print and display in your own homes as well.  

I love the message of both of these quotes.  I hope our world will start valuing love AND peace more.  

Quotes about Peace and Love
Isn't this quote honestly the best?  Why are wars started most of the time?  I would dare say that most of the time it is because men (or women) love power, so much that they can't see past that love for power.  It is crazy to think that if only they would use their power to LOVE then the world would be happier and more peaceful.  (Get this printable to use in your home by clicking on the picture above.)

This can start in our own homes and communities.  I try and focus on me and my family.  What can I do to use my personal power to love?  If I do that then I will make my world around ME better.  
Quotes about Peace and Love
This one on my chalkboard is another favorite of mine from Mother Teresa.  Once again she starts in the family.  It's all about loving our families.  If we do that then world peace would spread.  Slowly, but surely.  

More posts about the value peace:
-Family Home Evening Ideas about Peace
-Peace Picture Books
-Movies that teach kids about peace

More posts with FREE quote printables:
-Love and Honesty
-Love and Courage
-Potential & Self-Reliance

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Cocktails Accessories said...

Great ppost

albertjamesen said...

Amazing, Your blogs are really good and informative. I got a lots of useful information in your blogs. It is very great and useful to all. This one on my chalkboard is another favorite of mine from Mother Teresa. Once again she starts in the family. It's all about loving our families. If we do that then world peace would spread trucking accident lawyers. Slowly, but surely. Keeps sharing more useful blogs...

jamesanderson said...

Navigating a world filled with turmoil, focusing on peace and love becomes essential. These quotes serve as poignant reminders to prioritize these values in our lives and spread them to our families and communities.
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