Loyalty and dependability are huge values that are needed today. My husband I have have both worked either for small businesses or been running small businesses almost our whole married life. It has been an eye opening experience to see so many employees be completely irresponsible.
Actually I was just talking to my husband about how sad it is that we can't even depend on those employees to be there from day to day. We do not want our girls to be raised feeling like that is okay. We want them to be loyal to their family and friends and be completely dependable to everyone around them.
It was especially fun to read these picture books about loyalty and dependability to my girls. We had great discussions after reading each of these books and I feel we made a solid foundation of what it means to be loyal and dependable.
This one had both my two year old and my five year old completely enthralled. They both love animals and this book has plenty of them in it. It shows how Amos was such a loyal friend that he would never miss visiting his friends. Then one day he doesn't visit them and they are all sad for various reasons. So then they go and visit Amos. I love how they show Amos that he can depend on each of them as well. Such a cute book.
This book is the CUTEST! Seriously. Look at the cover and tell me you don't want to give that little tractor and cow a squeeze. In all seriousness though it is so cute and the message of the book was fantastic. Otis starts out being the dependable one and is completely loyal to his friend. Then life turns upside down for him and he doesn't handle it well. His friend misses him so much and finds himself in a predicament. Thankfully Otis shows that he is such a loyal friend and that his friend can depend on him no matter what.
This post contains affiliate links. This means that if a purchase is made after you click on some of the links below then I get a very small commission. Please know that I would NEVER recommend anything that I don't entirely love.
This one had both my two year old and my five year old completely enthralled. They both love animals and this book has plenty of them in it. It shows how Amos was such a loyal friend that he would never miss visiting his friends. Then one day he doesn't visit them and they are all sad for various reasons. So then they go and visit Amos. I love how they show Amos that he can depend on each of them as well. Such a cute book.
This book is the CUTEST! Seriously. Look at the cover and tell me you don't want to give that little tractor and cow a squeeze. In all seriousness though it is so cute and the message of the book was fantastic. Otis starts out being the dependable one and is completely loyal to his friend. Then life turns upside down for him and he doesn't handle it well. His friend misses him so much and finds himself in a predicament. Thankfully Otis shows that he is such a loyal friend and that his friend can depend on him no matter what.
Really any book in this series would work, but why not the first one? These two friends show what loyalty means. There are so many examples in all of the books. Extra bonus if you have a child that has just began to read. Now they can read to you!
More posts about the values loyalty & dependability:
-Movies that teach kids about Loyalty & Dependability
Check out other posts about books that teach kids different values:
-Self-Discipline & Moderation
-Fidelity & Chastity
-Fidelity & Chastity
Once again, my basis for choosing values each month comes from the book, Teaching Your Children Values. (This link is an affiliate link which means that if you purchase something after clicking on this link I will be paid a very small commission. However, my love for this book started way before this post was written.)

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Picture books that examine loyalty and dependability teach kids important lessons about commitment, friendship, and trust. how do prostitution stings work Narratives such as Marcus Pfister's The Rainbow Fish emphasize the value of sharing and supporting others, while Arnold Lobel's Frog and Toad Are Friends emphasize steadfast support in ordinary experiences.
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