Aug 21, 2017

Picture Books That Teach Respect

Picture Books That Teach Respect
There are so many picture books out there in the world.  Does it ever overwhelm any of you?  Sometimes I wonder if I haven't found the most amazing book still.

I like to try ones that I have never heard of to see if they are "flying under the radar".  If you've been following along this year then you know that I have been teaching my girls about values.  This month we are learning about the value of respect.

I have had so much fun reviewing book after book with my girls and seeing what all of us love while learning about values in the meantime.  I have found some pretty amazing books in the process.

This month I have found some fun picture books that teach respect.  We have had many discussions this month about respect and what we need to do to be respectful.  I can't wait to share them with you!
Picture Books That Teach Respect

This post contains affiliate links.  This means that if a purchase is made after you click on some of the links below then I get a very small commission.  Please know that I would NEVER recommend anything that I don't entirely love. 

Picture Books That Teach Respect

This book is so, so, so, so (I could add a million so's in) good for young kids that don't like to be told no.  I try to stay away from the word NO completely.  I try to say, "Yes, but not right now" or something like that.  However, that is even hard to hear as a child.  This book shares EXACTLY how to handle the word no in a respectful way.  We loved it and Hannelore has already tried the ideas in the book without me even asking!

Picture Books That Teach Respect

This book doesn't outwardly talk about respect, but it names every way under the sun that we could be different.  (Okay not every way, but you get the idea)  So from there I talked to my girls about how we all have feelings and how we are all different in our different ways.  We need to be respectful of the way that everyone is different.  

Picture Books That Teach Respect

This book is perfect to teach kids to respect the desires of other's thoughts and feelings.  When I talked about it with my girls they were spot on about how this book was about respect.  It was a fast and easy book to get through. 

This book goes through every aspect of respect and it is fun and funny at the same time.  It kept the attention of my girls and taught them so many great lessons.  

Picture Books That Teach Respect

This book isn't specifically about respect...although there is a page on respect in it.  This book is good for a book about all the great ways we can act.  If you are looking for a good all around book then this is a good one.  However, I almost left it off the list because it isn't about respect only.  

Picture Books That Teach Respect

More posts about the value respect:

Check out other posts about books that teach kids different values:
-Self-Discipline & Moderation
-Fidelity & Chastity
-Loyalty & Dependability

Once again, my basis for choosing values each month comes from the book, Teaching Your Children Values.  (This link is an affiliate link which means that if you purchase something after clicking on this link I will be paid a very small commission.  However, my love for this book started way before this post was written.) 


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