When I read the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up I was so intrigued with the idea of never having a rebound. The thing that bothered me the most with decluttering was that it was constant. Once you decluttered your house you started over with where you started. I felt like it was very defeating.
So when Marie Kondo promised that if you tidied in the way she said you wouldn't have a rebound I was all ears. I then planned on my decluttering challenge to be a life changing thing. It was going to be habit forming.
However, I also knew that I would get sick in my life, my kids would get sick, life would have it's crazy times. So I planned on keeping my decluttering sessions in place (it is something I have been doing for about 5-6 years now). If I have nothing to declutter then I won't have to do anything, but if I do then I can get on top of it right away.
I currently have 3 15-minute sessions a week. I set the timer and I attack my clutter piles and put things away. This doesn't include my paper clutter session that I mentioned in this post. It is under the section titled "Paper Clutter".
I really haven't had to have any marathon decluttering sessions. I do declutter my kids' playroom 3 times a year and because I like them involved sometimes that can be more lengthy, but I feel it is worth it in the end because I am teaching them the value of only keeping things you love.
Another tip that I swear by is: If something takes 2 minutes or less to do or put away then do it right then. I promise that your clutter piles will be lessened if you do this.
In the book Marie Kondo talks about emptying your purse/bag daily. (if you have the book then this is a must read...I find it entertaining)
I don't have the time to do it daily. However, it is in my weekly cleaning schedule to clean out my car, wallet, purse, and diaper bag. So make sure you find a routine that works for you. This will keep it from getting out of control, but not just that it will help you find things more easily. I have found that as I am getting gas I will quickly go through my car and purse and get rid of all the garbage. For some reason garbage just piles up. I also keep a plastic bag in my car and if I have time while waiting for my gas tank to fill I will put anything that needs to be carried into the house in that bag. It saves me time on my weekly car cleaning day.
This next tip might seem silly to you, but try it if it is something you don't do already. Take off the labels of anything you don't need to label.
Our brains register every written word. So when you open a closet full of containers and each of those containers has a label from the store on them then your mind sees all the busyness of it and can't settle. So be very sure when you add words that it isn't too excessive to a space and will cause your mind to not rest when you open the storage space. Does that make sense?
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