Steps to pull this fun adventure off:
- Get your hands on a turkey. I have wood, metal, and plush turkeys. However, I felt like plush ones are better with kids. So I went with that one. If you already have one then GREAT. If not I have listed off ones that I have found below.
- Print off the printables. You will need the letter and enough gratitude prompts and thankful letters printed for each day in November up until Thanksgiving. You can choose if you want to do one on Thanksgiving or not. You can print on card stock or regular printer paper. To get these printables click on the image above.
- Read the instructions that are on the letter.
- After your turkey is gone for the year make a little book out of the gratitude/thankful prompts by stapling the cards together or punching a whole and putting a ring through it or even a piece of ribbon. The point is to have a little "souvenir" of the fun time with your Thankful Turkey.
- Most importantly bring the attitude of gratitude in your home while having FUN!
Turkeys that you can order: (These links are affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). Thanks for your support in this way.)
Aurora World Taddle Toes Stuffins Turkey Plush, 10"
- TY Beanie Baby - LURKEY the Turkey
- Webkinz Gobbler Turkey
I can't wait to get started with this fun tradition this year. I love doing fun things with my family/girls. I also feel that gratitude is so very important to focus on, especially in this ever increasing negative world we live in. I hope you and your family can enjoy this fun activity and make it a Thanksgiving tradition. Enjoy this time together as a family with kids that bring the excitement into every day life!

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