Aug 17, 2015

Setting a goal & keeping with it

This post is written by health/fitness contributor, Melissa.  She also blogs at On The Go Healthy Moms.

I am excited to share with you today 4 tips on how you can set a goal and keep with it!

It's not just going through the motions that will get you there. Hiccups happen, families need attending to, but if you have a dream of what you want, then you need to know how you are going to get there!

First, you have to have a goal, write it down and know why it is so important to you to keep it.  Also, letting others know about your goal is crucial to your success and having them know that you are serious and ready to make healthy changes.

Being serious and not letting anything get in your way, not letting excuses set in, AND giving it your all!

Here are 4 tips to help you to set a goal and reach it!

1. Have a plan
Write out your goals. Give yourself a deadline.  Know what you are eating, what you are doing for exercising, and having a schedule is crucial. Being prepared will lead you to success and you will gain the confidence that you can do this! 

2. Re-assess your goals -weekly/daily if you need to.
Asking yourself how you did that day and being true.
Always remembering WHY it is important for you to reach that goal. 

3. Be consistent
Do what you need to do to reach your goals. A little bit at a time.
When things get rough. Give yourself time to re-evaluate, get some needed rest, and get back to preparing and planning what you need to get to your goal for the week. Which will in turn lead you to your BIG goal.

4. Never give up
Be patient with yourself. Know that it will take time. You don't have to be perfect.  You just need to keep progressing.

Setting a Big goal, with little goals that will get you there is so important.  So write down now a goal you have for yourself.  Then write down little monthly goals that you want to reach that will get you to that goal.  Set your dates of where you want to be in that month and then take it a day at a time.

You will do great and reach your goals if you have a plan each week of what you need to do to get there.  Make that plan simple and reachable. Changes will happen over time.

Thanks for checking in,


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