Happy Through Trials: A Woman Shares 3 Little Known Ways to Stay Positive During Trials3

Happy Through Trials: A Woman Shares 3 Little Known Ways to Stay Positive During Trials

Maybe some would say my manila envelope is full. But I don’t have a "woe is me" attitude. I am working daily to make something beautiful out of my pages. Throughout this all, my trials have not stopped me from trying to live a happy life.  I want my son to remember his mom laughing and happy, and I am fighting for that daily.

Here are my suggestions for living a happier life during life's ups and downs:
  1. Laugh daily. I laugh every single day and without fail. I either make myself laugh, or my husband does and now Andrew makes me laugh every hour he's awake. Laughter has done wonders for my soul and helps me forget my troubles and pain.  If you follow me on social media, you will notice I have no shame and don’t take myself too seriously.
  2. Stop the comparisons. I know this is almost impossible in the world we live in thanks to social media. But if I compared myself to every other mother or blogger out there, I would be in way worse shape mentally. Maybe you've heard this but someone told me "remember social media is only a highlight reel. You are probably only seeing the best stuff." I would be lying if I said it wasn't hard to see all the posts where moms are doing fun and active things all the time. I want so badly to be that mom, but physically I cannot. If Andrew is out of his pajamas before 2 PM, I consider the whole day a success. Running more than one errand that day too? Watch out world, I'm coming for you! In all seriousness, being chronically ill and raising an active baby boy takes most of my energy. Comparing myself to others just robs me of my happiness, the moments I should be enjoying, and the energy I need to save.
  3. Choose to be happy. Pretty self-explanatory, but I think it is easy to forget that happiness is a choice.
Happy Through Trials: A Woman Shares 3 Little Known Ways to Stay Positive During Trials
It’s hard to not be happy when I see this smile.
Life is going to be hard for us all at different times. Some of us will have full envelopes and not learn that until later in life. I think it is important that you try to find the positive from your trials. My trials have taught me about my strength, determination, and resilience. Writing and publicly sharing my trials was/is hard, but I have met so many wonderful people who uplift me, carry me, and remind me that we can find happiness from our trials.

Happy Through Trials: A Woman Shares 3 Little Known Ways to Stay Positive During Trials

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