I wanted to pop on here and let you know that I am still here. I am still missing you guys very much. I wish I had more time and energy to write. I have a few blog posts almost ready to post but we have been so sick in our house that I have been trying to get better and get my family better.
However, I am grateful that I got to spend some time taking care of my nails. These are so pretty. Although, we do not have snow right now. Well I take that back we have traces of snow, but most of it has melted, I thought I would sport the snowflakes anyways. It makes me happy to have my nails taken care of and to look so pretty when I might not feel very pretty because of sickness.
I hope the new year is treating you all very well and that you are sticking with the goals that you have made to make 2015 the happiest year EVER! Do not forget to email me your goals to be entered into the drawing. I have been inspired reading your goals and can't wait to read even more.
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