The basis for my monthly goals is the AMAZING BOOK, The Happiness Project. This month all my goals are centered around being mindful. I also like to think of it as being present. I love this month's goals, because I can get so caught up with social media that I can easily not be present. It is actually a sad way to live and it can be quiet stressful. That is exactly what I want to eliminate...stress. It is hard to be happy when I am stressed.
Meditation is part of the daily habits that I am trying to incorporate into my life. My dad wrote a post about the 5 habits and I am trying to have them be a part of my daily life. I have the hardest time with meditation. I have a hard time slowing down in my life. I am constantly doing something. It is so bad that I rarely watch a movie without also doing something else. It is annoying to me and yet I still do it. My goal is to be up to 1 minute of meditation each day by the end of the month. Now some of you that meditate daily might think that sounds funny or way to easy, but I can assure you that this will be a very hard goal for me to achieve. It is one I hope to be able to achieve and I hope to reap the benefits that come with meditation.
Write down 1-3 positive ideas each day
Words are so strong. I love the idea of writing down 1-3 positive ideas each day, because writing them down will make me think of them again and it will be a source for me to go to if I ever need to read some positive words/thoughts/ideas. This will not be a gratitude journal like I mentioned in August. I plan on it being quotes that I hear, see, or read during the day. It could be a bit of positive advice from a family member or friend. It could also be an idea that I have that is of course...positive.
Read 1-2 non fiction books
In The Happiness Project Gretchen Rubin has a goal of "Stimulating the mind in new ways". Within this goal she went and took a drawing class. I loved how she did that because drawing was not her strong point, but she sure stimulated her mind in new ways. I really wanted to either take a cake decorating class or go to a barre fitness gym, but it is so hard for me to leave with my sweet baby as little as she is. So I came up with a way to stimulate my mind in a new way.
Of course I turned to books, because reading is a great way to stimulate my mind. I have never been a history or science lover. Although, it does interest me more as I get older. Even now I do not typically reach for history or science books when I am in the library. I am a fiction type girl. I also like self help books. This month I want to change that though. I want to read at least one science book and one history book. I hope to read more than that, but I can't be too pushy on myself, because one of each is going to stretch my limits anyways.
Keep a food diary
Gretchen Rubin did this as well in October. I think it is perfect. I am currently nursing my sweet baby. With Hannelore I had to stop nursing earlier because I was not getting enough calories to keep from dropping my weight too low. I tried so hard...well at least I thought I did, to keep the calories coming, but it never worked. I am determined to not have that happen with Isla. So I am going to keep a food diary during the month of October. I love it because I am going to be very mindful of everything that goes into my body.
Challenge and Giveaway
Challenge this month-Choose a way to make yourself more mindful. Become more content where you are at in your life. There are many ways that you can do this. Once you have completed your goal then email me with a brief description on what you did and how you feel now that you have completed it.
Email me at when you are completed with the challenge. In the email include what you did to complete the challenge.
$30 Visa Gift Card!!!!
Check out the other months in my Quest For More Happiness:
Meditation is part of the daily habits that I am trying to incorporate into my life. My dad wrote a post about the 5 habits and I am trying to have them be a part of my daily life. I have the hardest time with meditation. I have a hard time slowing down in my life. I am constantly doing something. It is so bad that I rarely watch a movie without also doing something else. It is annoying to me and yet I still do it. My goal is to be up to 1 minute of meditation each day by the end of the month. Now some of you that meditate daily might think that sounds funny or way to easy, but I can assure you that this will be a very hard goal for me to achieve. It is one I hope to be able to achieve and I hope to reap the benefits that come with meditation.
Write down 1-3 positive ideas each day
Words are so strong. I love the idea of writing down 1-3 positive ideas each day, because writing them down will make me think of them again and it will be a source for me to go to if I ever need to read some positive words/thoughts/ideas. This will not be a gratitude journal like I mentioned in August. I plan on it being quotes that I hear, see, or read during the day. It could be a bit of positive advice from a family member or friend. It could also be an idea that I have that is of course...positive.
Read 1-2 non fiction books
In The Happiness Project Gretchen Rubin has a goal of "Stimulating the mind in new ways". Within this goal she went and took a drawing class. I loved how she did that because drawing was not her strong point, but she sure stimulated her mind in new ways. I really wanted to either take a cake decorating class or go to a barre fitness gym, but it is so hard for me to leave with my sweet baby as little as she is. So I came up with a way to stimulate my mind in a new way. Of course I turned to books, because reading is a great way to stimulate my mind. I have never been a history or science lover. Although, it does interest me more as I get older. Even now I do not typically reach for history or science books when I am in the library. I am a fiction type girl. I also like self help books. This month I want to change that though. I want to read at least one science book and one history book. I hope to read more than that, but I can't be too pushy on myself, because one of each is going to stretch my limits anyways.
Keep a food diary
Gretchen Rubin did this as well in October. I think it is perfect. I am currently nursing my sweet baby. With Hannelore I had to stop nursing earlier because I was not getting enough calories to keep from dropping my weight too low. I tried so hard...well at least I thought I did, to keep the calories coming, but it never worked. I am determined to not have that happen with Isla. So I am going to keep a food diary during the month of October. I love it because I am going to be very mindful of everything that goes into my body.
Challenge and Giveaway
Challenge this month-Choose a way to make yourself more mindful. Become more content where you are at in your life. There are many ways that you can do this. Once you have completed your goal then email me with a brief description on what you did and how you feel now that you have completed it.
Email me at when you are completed with the challenge. In the email include what you did to complete the challenge.
$30 Visa Gift Card!!!!
Check out the other months in my Quest For More Happiness:
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