Oct 15, 2019

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

16 NEW Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year
Who doesn't love reading books for any holiday?  It doesn't matter what the holiday is I love to read books for myself and with my girls for any holiday.  This year I checked out a bunch of  Halloween books for kids that were new to us.  Some aren't actually Halloween books, but they are great for Halloween time.  We have had so much fun reading them.

I have a little tradition with my girls.  For every holiday I get one new book for that holiday.  That way I can build a collection, but it doesn't break the bank.  Maybe you could do something similar.

Some of these links contain affiliate links which means if you purchase after clicking on the link I will receive a very small commission.  I wholeheartedly recommend these items and commission would never sway me to recommend something I could not stand behind.

16 NEW Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

This book is the CUTEST!  It might be my favorite I read this year!  My girls felt so sorry for the ghost in this book and really started thinking about how lonely it would be to be a ghost.  It is a really cute book.  

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

This book is all about all the things kids can dress up for on Halloween.  I liked it because it was good to show that these things might seem scary, but it is actually kids dressed up under the costumes.  It is a really fast read for kids that need something short to hold their attention.

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

Both of my girls felt sad that Tomas wasn't brave enough to get off his stoop in the first of this book, but it is a cute book that shows that everyone should feel included.  

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

I almost didn't include this book in the list because I wasn't sure if it scared my oldest daughter (7 years old and scared of EVERYTHING).  However, she said she loved this book.  We read it the same day as A Tiger called Tomas and she said she liked this book more.  There are closet ghosts, but the girl does get rid of them.  So if your child is scared of monsters (or ghosts) in their closet then this might not be a good read.  Unless you want to come up with solutions on how to get rid of them.  

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

This is a cute book and a really quick read.  I loved how it had a lot of references to how family is everything and having their support is really important.  They were always there for each other and supportive of each other.  It was cute. 

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

Seriously, this book describes perfectly how the dark felt when I was a kid.  I loved how it made "the dark" feel like a person.  I loved how "the dark" was helpful in the end and it explained why we need the dark in our lives.  It was really cute and both my girls loved it. Not really a Halloween book, but it could be classified as a little spooky because for awhile the girls didn't know what the dark wanted from the boy in the book.  So there was a bit of suspense, but nothing to scary.  

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

Both my girls liked how it was so similar to Goodnight Moon (which they both grew up being read multiple times a month at bedtime).  I like Goodnight Moon more (of course...its a classic), but I like the "Halloweeny" twist for the month of October. 

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

This is how sheltered I am...I had no idea this was a movie and it looks a little too creepy and scary for my liking.  So if that is something that will bother you then know this book is a board book version of that movie.  Basically it counts down from 10 (in both English and Spanish) to 1 and it counts different things in the movie (like gravestones and other things like that).  It is a REALLY quick read.  There isn't anything more scary than what you see all around you during the month of October, because it is for babies and toddlers.  

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

I liked how it is a bilingual poem so we could learn together what some of the words meant.  That was fun.  The girls liked seeing if they said the words correctly or not.  My oldest kept saying, "This is creepy".  But she never was too scared.  Then they both thought it was funny that all the "creepy" things were scared of kids dressed up for Halloween.  

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

I really liked this book.  I loved the story within the story and how it made you think.  My oldest and I had a long conversation about it after we finished reading.  I love books like that.  My youngest daughter fell asleep during it, not because it was boring, but because she was tired.  However, I will say that she wouldn't have completely understood what was going on if she was awake.  The pictures would have been good enough for her though.  

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

Once again not too scary, but a little spooky.  I liked how Annie in the book didn't let the ghost scare her and that she started something and she wasn't going to stop until it was finished.  It showed persistence.  I also liked how she and the ghost became friends.  

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

This book is seriously the cutest.  I love this one.  The only hard thing is that it isn't readily available all the time on Amazon.  I picked up this one from Hallmark.  I love all the cute illustrations. 

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

Of course this is a favorite around here because it has cities in Utah and my girls like that.  If you aren't from Utah then you will want to get your own state and make it fun for your kids. 

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

We are actually currently reading this and even though my daughter is super scared of EVERYTHING, this is just creepy enough to be good for Halloween, but not scaring her so that we are dealing with nightmares or her scared of everything.  So in my mind...that's perfect! 

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

We are actually reading this after Bunnicula.  So I can't tell you how it is exactly, BUT I have heard good things.  I hope it is good.  I will update this blog post when I read it and give an actual review at that time. 

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

I have this one waiting to be read, but we are reading the novels in the order my oldest wants to read them in.  I am not sure we will get to this one, but I heard it is the right amount of spooky as well.  I have also heard that some people like this series more than the Narnia and even Harry Potter books (WHAT?!....I can't say anything since I haven't read it yet). 

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

This book is sometimes read more than once a day.  I think my girls like it so much because of all the rhyming.  I read it during a Halloween party a few years ago and it was a favorite at that party too.  

16 Halloween Books for Kids, Plus a Favorite Year After Year

Other Halloween posts:


مروة سعد said...

تصليح غسالات بالهفوف
صيانة ثلاجات بالخبر
صيانة غسالات بالخبر
تصليح فريزرات بالرياض

مروة سعد said...

صيانة افران بمكة
صيانة ثلاجات شارب بالرياض
صيانة غرف تبريد وتجميد بجدة
تصليح مكيفات بجدة
تصليح غسالات اطباق بمكة
صيانة ثلاجات سامسونج بجدة

شركة منزل الشموخ said...

تعتبر مهمة تنظيف المنزل من المهام اليومية التي تلقى على عاتق كلّ ربة منزل، حيث إنّ تنظيف الغرف، والمطبخ، والأفنية الخارجية، والحمامات يتطلب وقتاً طويلاً وجهداً مضاعفاً للاستمتاع بشعور النظافة طوال الوقت، ولم تعد مهمة تنظيف المنزل صعبةً على ربة البيت وذلك لامتلاكها أدوات كهربائية تعينها على أداء جزء كبير من الأعمال المنزلية، الأمر الذي خفف العبء الكبير عنها، وسنذكر في هذا المقال طرقاً سهلة لتنظيف وترتيب المنزل بشكل عملي وبسيط، وتساعد على إنجاز الأعمال بطريقة سلسة، وبجهد أقل.
شركة تنظيف منازل بأبها
تتعرض العديد من المنازل للضرر والانهيار نتيجة العديد من العوامل التي تواجهها ، وحتى لو لم نستسلم لهذه الأضرار ، فقد توصلنا إلى طريقة لمعالجة هذه المشاكل ، وأهمها الترميم ، و ونقصد بذلك الأماكن المتضررة في المباني سواء كانت أسقف أو حوائط حدثت فيها الكثير من الخدوش أو الشقوق أو الأعطال. التي تؤثر على نظام السباكة والأنابيب والكهرباء ، أو تلف الأرضيات والسيراميك ، أو تغيير في الدهانات والديكورات ، وكل ذلك يمكن معالجته من خلال عملية ترميم المنازل.
مكافحة حشرات المنزل بالنسبة للبعض أمر في غاية الصعوبة وخاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالصراصير والنمل والبراغيث وبق الفراش والفئران وغيرها من الآفات المنزلية التي تنتشر بكل سهولة في كل أركان المنزل. لكن يُمكنك مكافحة حشرات المنزل بطرق بسيطة وفعالة بشكل نهائي ولن تحتاج إلى المركبات الكيميائية القوية الموجودة في الأسواق المحلية والتي قدد تكون أكثر ضررًا عليك وعلى عائلتك
شركة مكافحة حشرات بخميس مشيط
تعتبر مشكلة تسرّب المياه من المشاكل التي تؤرق الأفراد بشكل كبير؛ وذلك لما تُلحقه من ضرر بالمباني والمنازل، لذلك لا بد من السعي الدؤوب للكشف عما إذا كان هناك تسريب مائي أم لا. ويُعرف تسريب المياه بأنّه خلل يطرأ على توصيلات المياه بمختلف أشكالها، سواء كان ذلك في مواسير الصرف أو أكواعها أو مختلف أجزاء مواسير المياه، ومنها: الحنفيات، والخزانات، والسخانات، فيتسبب ذلك الخلل بخروج المياه من المسار المحدد لها إلى محيط المواسير فتتجمع المياه بالقرب من الأماكن المحيطة بالتسريب كالأرضيات والجدران فتلحق الضرر بها نتيجة تفاعلها مع مواد البناء، وتآكل الحديد وتهالك الخرسانة، وبالتالي تفاقم المشاكل في حال التغاضي عن علاجها.
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بخميس مشيط

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