Dec 16, 2019

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family
My favorite books are Christmas books.  So this post is putting my two favorite things together...books and Christmas.  There is something about Christmas that is magical.  The way people come together.  The way life slows down while speeding up.  The music.  The movies.  The love.  

Then there is books.  There is something about books that is also magical.  The way you can go to a whole new world.  The way the pictures can come to life and even with books that don't have pictures images can flash before your eyes without actually being there.  

So I am so excited to make a whole new list of Christmas books for kids this year.  These are added to my first Christmas book list so be sure to check that one out as well (link at bottom of page).  This book list also includes some read alouds as well.

Some of these links contain affiliate links which means if you purchase after clicking on the link I will receive a very small commission.  I wholeheartedly recommend these items and commission would never sway me to recommend something I could not stand behind.

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

I have wanted to read this book for a few years now.  WOW!!!!!  I love this book.  The pictures were fantastic.  The story is short, but engaging and fun.  I love at the end it talks about the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center and the history of it.  This one is one of my favorites. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

This book was so cute.  It follows Santa from when he was a baby to when he became the Santa Claus that we know.  It was so cute because it shows why he is perfect for the job and why this job is exactly what he wants to be doing. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

This is a quick read, so perfect for young readers.  I love the end and seeing the playful side of Santa.  

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

We read Tea Rex and my girls loved it.  We also loved this book.  It is such a quick and fun read. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

This is a wordless book so the story is your's to create.  My girls love books like this because I can start the story and then they fill it in.  It is fun to read as a family.  This isn't technically a Christmas book, but a book about a boy and his snowman he built. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

We LOVE Maple & Willow in this house.  This book is so cute.  My girls love that they are sisters and I love that they were able to resolve conflicts.  

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

Santa stopped believing that a kid existed?!  What!?  I love when Santa finds out that Harold is real and Harold finds out Santa is real.  My girls laughed on that page.  I love when books bring us together laughing or thinking together. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

This book was so fun.  I loved it so much.  My four year old said it was a bit scary, but it really isn't.  It has some suspense in it for a 4 year old though.  I really liked it and it captivated both my girls. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

I loved how in this book Santa knew exactly what the main character wanted even if it wasn't a toy to put under the tree.  

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

Why change the original sleigh?  I did love the creativity from all the elves.  My girls loved choosing which was their favorites.  On the last page my girls laughed and said, "Well at least he made it to Christmas morning, not have it happen during the night."

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

This one technically isn't a Christmas book.  It is more of a Winter book, but it is a fantastic interactive book.  It is just the kind of book my four year old likes.  However, my 7 year old loves it too.  So that is a good book in my opinion.

We love Llama Llama books so we have to include the holiday version on this list. 

I love reading books set in different countries and this is such a great one to read.  I love the lessons learned in this book. 

This book is on another book list I put together about Kindness and Friendliness.  I think it is such a great book that teaches great values. 
Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

I LOVE THIS BOOK!  LOVE it!  I bought it years ago before I even had kids I loved it so much.  After we read it this year I heard my oldest asking my youngest while brushing their teeth, "Which tree do you like best?" I love books that get my girls talking.  

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

Have you read this book?  It has been years since I have read it, but I am so excited to read it with my girls.  I love it so much. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

I haven't read this book yet, but I really, really want to.  It was recommended to me and it sounds absolutely amazing.  I think it would make a wonderful read aloud. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

I actually haven't read this one, but it has been recommended to me a few times so I wanted to include it.  I am a bit skeptical that I will like it.  It kind of seems like a book that might not be up my alley, but I want to prove myself wrong.  Have you read it?  I want to hear your thoughts. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family

This is the book we are reading right now.  I thought it might be a bit to scary for Hannelore, but she is handling it really well.  It is a different twist on Kris Kringle that is for sure.  This is a fantasy story through and through. 

Best Christmas Books for Kids to Read as a Family


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يمكن مكافحة الحشرات عن طريق المحافظة على نظافة المنزل، وذلك باتباع الخطوات الآتية: التخلص من بقايا الطعام، وغسل الصحون والأواني، والأكواب، وأدوات المائدة بعد الاستخدام، وإحكام الإغلاق على بقايا الطعام قبل وضعها في سلة المهملات. الحفاظ على نظافة كافة المقاعد، والخزائن، والأرضيات، والحرص على جعلها خالية من مخلّفات الطعام. تنظيف المناطق التي خلف كلّ من: الفرن، والثلاجة، والأجهزة المنزليّة الأخرى. تنظيف المرحاض بشكل صحيح، والتخلّص من آثار البول والبراز. التأكّد من إغلاق جميع خزّانات الصرف الصحي، والمصارف الأخرى.
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يلجأ الحمام إلى إنشاء عشه في أماكن معينة من المنزل؛ كالأسطح، أو الشرفات، أو عند النوافذ، وهو ما يسبب الكثير من الخسائر المادية، كما أنه يمكن أن يكون وسيلة لنقل الأمراض، لذا يوجد الكثير من الطرق التي يمكن من خلالها طرد الحمام، وهي على النحو
يتمتع الحمام بقوة سمعية كبيرة؛ فهو قادر على سماع ترددات الأصوات التي يعجز البشر عن سماعها، وهذه الميزة يمكن استخدامها لتكون وسيلة جيدة لطرد الحمام وإزالته من الأماكن التي لا يُحبذ تواجده فيها، عن طريق استخدام جهاز الألترا ساوند الذي يصدر أصواتًا شبيهة بأصوات الحيوانات المفترسة المتنوعة والمسجلة مسبقًا. يتمكن الحمام من سماع الأصوات المزعجة التي يصدرها الجهاز بمجرد تشغيله داخل مساحة على شكل دائرة نصف قطرها 4,000 م، وبالتالي فإنه سيعتقد أن في محيط المنزل خطر فيقرر الابتعاد
شركة تركيب طارد الحمام بالرياض
شركة تركيب مكيفات بالرياض
لقد ازداد الطلب في العصر الحالي على التكييف بشكلٍ كبيرٍ جداً بحيث تعدّدت الأنواع والأشكال للتكييف، وقد ازداد الطلب عليها بشكلٍ كبيرٍ جداً بحيث أصبح التكييف والتبريد يستهلكان جزءاً كبيراً من فاتورة الطاقة في العالم، سواء كان هذا على مستوى المكيّفات المنزلية أو التكييف والتبريد المستخدم في تطبيقات أخرى كالمصانع والخدمات الصحيّة وغيرها، وبفعل هذه التطبيقات المختلفة تنوّعت أشكال التكييف بحيث يمكن لكلّ شخصٍ أن يستخدم النوع المناسب له ولاحتياجاته

شركة تركيب مكيفات بالرياض

johnsmithp486 said...
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johnsmithp486 said...

The list of Christmas books for kids is comprehensive and enjoyable, featuring classic tales and newer additions. The mix of classics and newer ones encourages family interaction. The personal touch of sharing daughters' reactions and curiosity about unconventional books adds a warm touch. Flyoke

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