Mar 2, 2015

Quest for MORE happiness: March 2015

work, happiness, happy

Last month Morgan won the book "Marriage isn't for You".  It is such a great book and the great news is she is getting married in April so this is a perfect book for her at a perfect time.  Although, it is good for all of us.  I wanted to share with you what she did that was out of the ordinary for her finance.  She did 14 days of love for Valentine's Day.  So she did different things like tickled his back and played with his hair.  Different things that he loves and she said she did it more than usual.  See how easy it can be and I am sure he felt more love from her while she did it.  Congrats Morgan!

My goals for March

Remember my basis of this is from the AMAZING BOOK , The Happiness Project.  This month all my goals are centered around work.  That includes 2 things for me.  One is my actual profession.  I am a controller over health clubs.  Two is this blog that is a labor of love.  I love both of these jobs and I want to focus my attention on them this month.

work, happiness, happy
This is one of Gretchen's goals from the book.  When I read it inially I was thinking, "Yeah right.  Who enjoys failure."  However, as I thought about it I thought this was a perfect goal for me.  I am a perfectionist through and through.  So when I "fail" I feel terrible and sometimes that feeling can last for days.  If I enjoy failure and know that it is a learning process then life is so much better.  On top of that I need to realize that the only reason I am failing is because I am actually trying.  I can not expect perfection from myself all the time.  

work, happiness, happy
Since I have 2 parts of my work life then I have two parts to this goal.  Recently, I hired an assistant for me to help with my accounting work.  Seriously the best choice EVER and he has been amazing.  It is sometimes hard for me to ask for help.  I hate asking for help because I try and rationalize with myself that I can do it all, but I need to remember that I have him there to help me.  Not to sit there and twittle his thumbs.  Second, when it comes to the blogging world I am still pretty new.  It is really hard for me to ask for help because I think I can figure it out myself.  However, recently I have turned to some pretty amazing woman for help and to bounce ideas off of (looking at you Kami from Sweet Charli and Natalie from The Creative Mom).  They have been so amazing to basically mentor me.  On top of that I found a blogging friend that started around the same time I did (Ann from Dripping Paintbrush) and she has been heaven sent to talk to and to be there as someone to help me think things through. 

Again breaking it down into my two work lives.  First, I have not been utilizing my mornings like I used to when it comes to my accounting job.  I used to get anywhere from 1-2 hours in before my daughter even woke up.  Lately I barely get anytime in (more on that later this month).  Also, I need to make sure to buckle down and be as productive as possible when I have help from great people in my life with my daughter.  Second, I need to stick to my blog schedule.  I used to be really good and really efficient and that has not been the case recently.  So my goal this month is to STICK to it!  

work, happiness, happy
Sometimes, well almost all the time, I wish I was a little farther along on a project with work or I wish I had higher numbers on my blog.  I wish I could do this or I wish I could do that.  SO SAD.  I am wishing my life away.  So my goal this month is to be happy where I am at in my work life.  Enjoy NOW and not wish for the future.

work, happiness, happy
Ahhh!  This one scares me to write on this blog.  I will be telling you why I haven't been on here as much lately later this month.  It is sad because I used to post Monday-Friday and lately it has been good if I get 3 posts up in a week.  So now my goal is 4 times a week.  I have so many projects waiting to be written about and I have so many things to write about in general.  So I hope to be able to knock some of them out this month!  Wish me luck.  This is the goal that I think will be the hardest for me.

Monthly Challenge & Giveaway

Challenge:  Choose any of these options:
  • Make a goal to finish a project that has been on your work to do list.  
  • If you have been wanting to ask for a raise at work then do some research and talk to your boss (the research helps back up your case). 
  • If you are a stay at home mom (AWESOME!) then check something off your to do list this month that has been nagging you for awhile.  I know moms have a list a mile long so pick the most nagging task and check it off this month.  Baby steps can take you there.  
  • Set a work schedule for yourself and stick to it.  Schedules can make life so much more easy and efficient.  (this can work for stay at home moms too)


work, happiness, happy
Copy of The 4-Hour Workweek

Ok.  I know I told you last month that not all of the months will be books, but I couldn't resist having this book be the giveaway this month.  It goes PERFECTLY with the work theme and it has some awesome ideas, thoughts, and inspiration.  Next month the giveaway will not be a book.  I already have it planned out.  

To enter, you can fill out the Rafflecopter below or you can email your submissions to by writing a short email stating which option you choose above.  I hope you can notice a difference in your work life by participating in this challenge. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the other months in my Quest For More Happiness:

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Michelle said...

I am going to finish a project this month. -Reupholstering a chair in my office.

Shambray said...

That sounds like my kind of project! Just the right amount of crafty, but still getting it done. I want to see a picture when you are done!

Michelle said...

A picture will be in your mailbox by March 31st!

Ann said...

I am so excited about this giveaway! I've been trying to get myself back in the working-from-home groove for a while now, and this is the perfect thing to jump start my routine. Thanks for sharing Shambray!

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