Mar 20, 2017

Peace Books for Preschoolers: 3 Must-Haves For Your Library

Peace Books for Preschoolers
I have said it a few times now, but peace can be something hard to explain.  Especially for younger kids.  My girls are 4 and 1.  If you try to teach world peace to that age you will get blank stares.  

I really wanted to teach them how simple peace can be and how THEY can have peace in their own lives and in our home.  Books are a huge part of our daily routine.  So of course I started looking for books.  Most of the books I found did not keep my toddler entertained, but they are perfect peace books for preschoolers.

I tried out 9 different books.  I narrowed it down to my top 3.  I liked them all, but some of them were a little broad in their definition of peace and for preschoolers I feel you have to be pretty specific or they don't understand.  I also didn't include some that I LOVED, but felt they were a bit advanced for preschoolers.  I have them listed in an order with my favorite one last.
Peace Books for Preschoolers

This post contains affiliate links.  This means that if a purchase is made after you click on some of the links below then I get a very small commission.  Please know that I would NEVER recommend anything that I don't entirely love. 

Let There Be Peace on Earth And Let it Begin with Me

We loved this book.  We listened to the music too and it was the highlight of my daughter's day.  After we talked about the book and how it says, "let peace begin with me", my daughter said, "But that is so hard!"  It might not always be easy, but it was worth it.  I loved seeing her learn more about peace from this book. 

What does Peace feel like?

This goes through each of the five senses.  I love it because it is written by kids.  The author must have asked the kids these questions and then made them into a book.  When we got to the question, "What does peace smell like?", my daughter said that it smelled like a sweet dog and roses.  It was fun to ask her on each page what she thought. 

The Peace Book

This book explained peace in small and simple ways and it is PERFECT to read to young children.  It explains peace in ways such as making new friends, planting a tree, and being who you are.  I absolutely loved this book.  Each page was fast and quick and the pictures were colorful and simple.  Seriously this is a must have for teaching peace. 


I know I said I was only sharing 3, but I really liked this last book.  However, it is a little long and would only be good for preschoolers who have a longer attention span.  Don't try to do this if your preschooler has a short attention span.  It will drive you nuts. It would be great for elementary aged kids as well.

More posts about the value peace:

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1 comment:

barnaby said...

These books help young children understand the importance of peace, cooperation, and respect for others. They often feature simple stories, colorful illustrations, and relatable characters. The goal is to teach preschoolers about peaceful behavior in an engaging and accessible way.
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