When you think of quotes, what do you think of? Advice? Inspiration? Love? My view of this has changed, but I will say that I always first thought about love.
Now I think more inspiration in general. This whole year I have been sharing quotes that have the value I am teaching my girls for that month in it along with my word of the year...love. However, this month is extra awesome because the value I am teaching my girls is love and that is also my word of the year.
I had a ton of fun finding these quotes. Like a TON OF FUN. I picked my favorite two and turned one into a chalkboard art piece and the other one I made into a printable love quote. It is so fun to have them in my home to remind me of what I have been focusing on all year!
This world is filled with so much hatred. It actually hits more closer to home that that. There is so much hatred in the United States. Go even closer than that, there is hatred found within states, cities, neighborhoods, and even homes. How sad! I have lost sleep over this and felt so upset and completely defeated because how in the world do I help this hatred go away.
Well sadly even Mother Teresa herself didn't eliminate all the hatred in the world. However, I plan to love my family so much that they have so much extra love. Then they can carry the extra love out into the world. To their dance classes, to their church classes, to their school classes and so on.
No I won't change the world, but I hope to change my world around me. That is what impacts me and my family the most so why not make it the best environment to be around?
What a beautiful quote this is? I couldn't agree more. I don't consider myself the most artistic person, but I will work on this part of my artistic abilities. Get your own printable of this quote by clicking on the picture above.
More posts about the value love:
-Family Home Evening lesson on Love
More posts with FREE quote printables:
-Love and Self-Reliance/Potential
-Love & Self-Discipline/Moderation
-Love & Fidelity/Chastity
-Love & Loyalty
-Love and respect
-Love & Self-Discipline/Moderation
-Love & Fidelity/Chastity
-Love & Loyalty
-Love and respect
This post contains affiliate links. This means that if a purchase is made after you click on some of the links below then I get a very small commission. Please know that I would NEVER recommend anything that I don't entirely love.
Once again, my basis for choosing values each month comes from the book, Teaching Your Children Values. (This link is an affiliate link which means that if you purchase something after clicking on this link I will be paid a very small commission. However, my love for this book started way before this post was written.)

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