If you answered yes to any of those questions then this 2020 Reading Challenge for Adults is a great option for you! This reading challenge is designed to be versatile to YOUR needs. It is to get you hitting your reading goals. It will help you read different books than you normally read and/or read more books than you normally do.
Do it with a friend. The download that I have provided has 2 copies of the list. So that is perfect for you to share with a friend. Make it a fun gift idea and give your friend a copy of the list with a book or even a gift card to the nearest bookstore.
Make reading a priority this year. Reading has so many benefits. Here are just a few I want to share with you so you can also make a reading a priority this year:
- Reading helps increase concentration.
- Reading can make you more empathetic.
- Reading helps increase your sleep quality.
- Reading slows the progress of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
- Reading helps lessen negative thoughts.
- Reading helps your general knowledge.
- Reading helps you to relax.
- Reading helps expand your vocabulary.
- Reading helps improve your memory.
- Reading is FREE entertainment!
So how should you use this challenge to help you reach your reading goals? Like I said make it work for YOU. If you feel like you need to read more then set a goal for how many books you want to read this year and use the list I provided to help you think of different books to read. If you want to branch out and read different types of books then use the download to help you achieve that. If you want to try and read all the categories on the list then great, but if that is too much for you to handle then set a goal that is reasonable to you.
My goal this year is to read 36 books. I plan on reading a self help, spiritual, or parenting book once a month. Then I also plan to read both a nonfiction and fiction book each month. I am so excited to read more. In 2018 I read 46 books then in 2019 I read about 12. I noticed a HUGE difference in my attitude. So I decided to make it a goal again. I hope you will join me.
Some of these links contain affiliate links which means if you purchase after clicking on the link I will receive a very small commission. I wholeheartedly recommend these items and commission would never sway me to recommend something I could not stand behind.
Check out the following book suggestions under each of the categories that are listed on the 2020 Reading Challenge for Adults to spark ideas and give you inspiration.
Art Inspired
Alternate History
Self Help
Chick Lit
Book/Reading Inspired
Coming of Age
Food Inspired
Fairy Tale
Historical Fiction
Graphic Novel
Young Adult

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These links contain affiliate links which means if you purchase after clicking on the link I will receive a very small commission. Vermögensverwaltunr
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Este desafío de lectura está diseñado para adaptarse a sus necesidades. It is to get you to meet your reading objectives. It will help you read different books than you normally do and/or read more books than you normally do. ¡Gracias por compartir tu experiencia! ¡Sigue haciendo una excelente labor! Continuar compartiendo. Feel free to visit my website.
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